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Top 10 “Exercise More” SMART “One Simple change” resolutions

According to the World Health Organization, « Physical activity is the easiest manner to avoid practically all chronic illness" and sedentarity is 1 of 10 principal causes of mortality on our planet, second only to smoking as a risk factor. Despite all the health benefits of physical activity, people worldwide are doing less of it—at work, at home, and as they travel from place to place. Globally, about one in three people gets little, if any, physical activity. Here are 10 One Simple Changes you can think of to do more sports: 

  1. Organize appropriate winter shoes and outerwear. It’s not about the weather, it’s about the clothing!
  2. Add two 15 minute walk breaks to your day. Incrementally add more as this new habit is conquered. Studies show that sporadic breaks replenish our energy, improve self-control, decision-making and productivity.
  3. Take only the stairs whenever and wherever possible. Daily living activities like climbing the stairs significantly contribute to the 30 minutes of physical activity we all need. Using the stairs burns twice as many calories as walking, Want to see how many calories are burned by taking the stairs?
  4. Buy or borrow an indoor exercise trainer stand for your outdoor bike and install it inside. Fix a time, music or video and space to pedal away…
  5. Surf to find inspirational 15-30 minute videos online for at-home training.
  6. Fix 3 “workout” dates per week with a friend, colleague or family. Walking is ideal but why not a run, ski or swim with a friend? Want to learn why exercising with someone else is a good idea?
  7. Take this 7 minute break to relax and stretch from sitting at your computer. Sitting all day can hurt your lower back, have a negative impact on circulation, strain upper back and neck and staring at the screen for long periods of time is tiring and can cause eye problems. Moreover, computer work has been associated with both insomnia and anxiety. Short breaks of relaxing and stretching have been proven to do wonders for health and well-being.
  8. Keep a pair of good walking shoes in the car or your bag. Take a walk whenever somebody else is late or busy (hairdresser, doctor, kids etc.) or when you are early!
  9. On the weekend, walk to the local bakery for fresh bread. Earn your breakfast while the others are asleep!
  10. Use January as “test” month. Try – usually free of charge – fitness clubs, yoga, nordic walking, aquagym or other activities to see what you like. Want to know what the best exercise is for your health? The one that you love and will do consistently!