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How to Create Your Own Indoor Vegetable Garden

Indoor gardens can be used to add a touch of green to your living space, and increase the amount of fresh herbs and vegetables your family consumes daily. We understand that it can be disheartening perusing the produce section of the grocery store and not finding vegetables that are ripe and waiting to be eaten. Below are some simple tips to get started on how to start an indoor garden of your own, which plants to grow, and how to get your family involved in the process. You can also check out the post on indoor gardening with the Tower Garden for more tips and ideas on this topic.

Decide on Your Garden Style

The first thing to decide when planning your indoor garden is what type of plants you will be growing. Are you interested in having fresh herbs to add extra flavor to your dishes, or do you want to grow your own vegetables? What you choose to grow will help you decide how to proceed with your green thumb aspirations.

Choose Your Crop

After deciding the purpose of your garden, it is time to choose your crops. Herbs can be easy first plants, because they grow well in kitchens, and are easy to find already potted at your local grocery or gardening store. If you want to grow more substantial plants then try cutting celery, kale, mustard greens, or spinach. Want a themed garden? Tower Garden breaks up different themed Tower Garden ideas here.

Find a container

Once you decide what you will be planting, it is time to find the proper container for your plants. There are many different containers you can use for your garden including ceramic pots or old cartons for smaller plantings, or even a Tower Garden for a full variety of greens or herbs. When picking your container, be sure to check the spacing recommendation noted on the seed packet or plant labels so you get something that is the correct size. Also ensure that your container has proper drainage with holes in the bottom or pebbles beneath the soil.

Choose the right soil mix

Most plants will work perfectly fine with general purpose potting soil mix, but it is important to check with each plant, as soil is essential to its growth and abundance. However, if you are using the Tower Garden you won’t need to worry about soil!

Grow without Dirt

If you love the idea of having a garden, but simply can't get past the idea of more dirt in your house, consider growing aeroponically.  Tower Garden by Juice Plus+ is a great way to get started indoors without the dirt. This vertical garden allows you to grow 20 fruits and vegetables and produce 30 percent more food three times faster. Learn more about the process here: Indoor Gardening: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners.

Water and Prune

After you have planted your seedling, check the seed packets for directions on special watering requirements. Some plants need very little attention while others need to be watered daily.


Finally, it is time to harvest your crops, and enjoy them! Don’t forget to replant your seeds to keep your garden growing throughout the year!

Get the Kids Involved!

Creating an indoor garden is a great activity to do with kids to help get them involved and interested in what they are eating. Children can help from start to finish by helping to pick out the plants, charting the growth, and helping to water and take care of them. This can be a great teachable activity as they will learn about plant life, gardening, and how vegetables are an important part of our eating habits.

Start your indoor garden today! What favorite herb or veggie will you choose to grow?
