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Sticking to Your Healthy Goals for the New Year

It’s that time of year again. As the holiday haze fades, you look at the months ahead with fresh eyes. Most Americans have made a resolution to lead an active and healthy lifestyle in 2014, but studies show that by December, only one-in-eight Americans will succeed in maintaining their healthy goals laid out in their New Year’s resolution. Here are our tips to help you beat the odds.

  1. Plan out your healthy eating: At the beginning of each week, schedule the meals you will eat for the next couple of days. You can even do the shopping and preparation beforehand! This will keep you from resorting to another night of greasy take-out just because you don’t want to figure out something to cook for dinner.
  2. Obligate yourself to an active lifestyle: Sign up for an exercise class that meets at the same time every week. The commitment will make you less likely to skip your workout!
  3. Find a buddy: Find a friend or co-worker who has the same healthy goals as you. You can share tips for healthy eating, update each other on your progress and celebrate your successes together.
  4. Make a small, healthy lifestyle change: The resolutions that last the longest are those that call for a slight but impactful change. Rather than committing to eliminate all junk food, try something smaller like simply adding Juice Plus+ to your healthy lifestyle routine to bridge the gap between what you do eat and what you should eat.
  5. Be positive: Don’t beat yourself up if you stumble! Instead, focus your energy on getting back to a healthy and active lifestyle, and making tomorrow a better day.

Almost half of New Year’s Resolutioners fall back into their old habits by the end of January. Start small, check your progress frequently and follow our tips, and this year might finally be the year you make it until December and fulfill your healthy goals. Best of luck!