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Fresh Berries with Vanilla Yoghurt Sauce


This recipe is inspired by my love affair with the island of Crete!

Have you ever been to Crete in Greece? 


The countryside of Crete is covered in rolling hills filled with orange and lemon orchards. Just imagine the smell of super fresh oranges and lemons growing on their trees, in the fresh air, without car or industrial fumes. Among the fields we found loads of sheep wandering around fields and blocking the roads. Classic! The sheep, of course, help to produce all the lovely specialty goat cheeses and yoghurts known to Greek cuisine.


Crete Fruit, Vegetables and Local Products


Crete is AMAZING and produces some of the freshest and most delicious products I have ever experienced. 

We tasted:

  • Greek Yoghurt
  • Feta Cheese
  • Olives
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Herbs
  • Honey
  • Wine
  • Raki (similar to Grappa)


YUMMO! I want to back there. But instead of travelling right now, I often try to recreate the same food to bring the same Mediterranean vibes at home and in my kitchen. I first made this dish when I stayed at a stone villa within an olive grove in Gavalochori. It had the view of the rolling hills, rolling on down to the sparkling sea. What a great memory this breakfast brings!


Introducing Berries Topped with Vanilla Yoghurt Sauce! 


The creamy and fresh Mediterranean breakfast, so good for so many reasons it almost feels like dessert. The ingredients are simple.

  1. Greek Yoghurt
  2. Vanilla flavoured Complete by Juice Plus+ shake powder
  3. Fresh berries
  4. Honey


1. Greek Yoghurt: 

Why is Greek Yoghurt different? The thickness and texture! The process used allows for the yoghurt to become dense making it a lot more like a cream than a thin yoghurt.  


2. Vanilla flavoured Complete by Juice Plus+ shake powder: 

These shake powders include real food ingredients, plant-based protein, fibre and other added nutrients. Often used in shakes or smoothies, you can also use this powder to flavour yoghurt, add to baked goods or stir into chia seed puddings. Mixing in Complete by Juice Plus+ shake powders are an easy way to add in more nutrition to your diet with a delicious vanilla or chocolate flavour.*


3. Fresh berries: 

Tart and sweet berries are an excellent and easy way to add in additional fruit to your diet. Just rinse and plop on top your breakfast! Or place raspberries on the tips of your fingers for child-like fun in the kitchen! Berries tout many health benefits, which I cannot go into here… but google away and you’ll see.


4. Honey: 

Known as the elixir of life in some cultures, honey is sweet and delightful! There are also many kinds of honey to explore. Local honey reflects the tastes and flavour of the trees, herbs and flowers found in the area they live in giving each honey a unique flavour. 

I enjoy supporting local beekeepers and honey producers. Not only (in my opinion) does the honey taste better, but it makes a small businessperson smile. And for me… I support the small business entrepreneur 110%!


When to have this breakfast?


I enjoy having this in the morning, after hydrating my body with lemon water and a splash of apple cider vinegar.

In the summer, I also enjoy this dish as my evening meal as it is light, refreshing and doesn’t weight me down.

I offer this as a dessert in half portions, to my boyfriend and guests who may not know that it is a real food and not a dessert. They love it J and appreciate that it is lighter than a typical heavy cream dessert. Just serve as a half portion gorgeously placed in dessert glasses making it a total berry and cream experience.

All you have to do now is make this awesome, wholesome dish and dig in! 

* Complete by Juice Plus+ shakes for weight management

When you prepare a Complete shake or soup differently than what is listed on pack (e.g. using a different milk or adding fruits/vegetables), it is good to know that the nutrition profile will change. Therefore, the resulting recipe may not provide the benefits of a meal replacement.

Complete by Juice Plus+ shakes, bars and soups are designed to be a meal replacement for weight control.

As a part of a calorie-controlled diet:

  • replacing one meal a day with Complete contributes the maintenance of weight after weight loss
  • replacing two meals a day with Complete contributes to weight loss.

Make sure to eat a variety of other foods and drink a lot of water as well.

Enjoy Complete by Juice Plus+ as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.


2 Portions

200g strawberries, chopped

200g blueberries

200g raspberries

250ml whole-milk plain Greek yoghurt (or plant-based yoghurt)

1 scoop or 1 sachet of Complete by Juice Plus+ Vanilla 

Honey, to drizzle (optional)


1) Wash and prepare the berries, pat dry with a kitchen towel.

2) Gently stir the Complete by Juice Plus+ Vanilla into the yoghurt. Mix enough so that the powder is not clumpy, but try not to "over-mix" or it will get watery in texture :-)

3) Divide the yoghurt mixture into two gorgeous bowls.

4) Divide the berries and place on top of the yoghurt mixture.

5) Drizzle a bit of honey on top (optional).

6) Also tastes lovely with a bit of nuts or seeds sprinkled on top for a terrific crunch!